- You have to have a nice butt
- You like to show it off
- Your boyfriend has a nice butt
- Your crush has a nice butt
- Your brother has a nice butt (don't ask why this one is on here)
- Your horse has a nice butt that is swimming in the ocean in your backyard
- Your sister has a nice butt
- Your parents have nice butts
- Your friends have nice butts
- Your milkman has a nice butt
- Your dog has a nice butt
- Your bird has a nice butt
- When you walk past a mirror, you stop to look at your butt
- Your friends think you have a nice butt
- You stop in the middle of a hall in a public place just to stop and shake your butt
- You're not afraid to shake your butt infrot of people
- Innanamite objects have a nice butt
- You dream about butts
- You go to Halloween costume parties, and your butt has its own costume
- You pamper your butt by giving its own lofa
- Your butt has specail mucales that you can flex one butt cheeck at a time
- If strangers walk by you and grab your butt (then you file a complant)
- If your friend says unibrow and you think he/she says unibutt when really its unibun
- You have a pet name for your butt
- It's the main focal point in a photo shoot
- You feel intitled to make a web page, dedicated to butt modeling
- You look at other butts to compare it to yours
- Your butt has its own website
- you're not afraid to ask someone to look at your but to see if the butt is still wet
- If you can smile with your cheeks
- If you are running around in under armor (spandex) and a T-shirt and run past a mirror and you slam on the breaks to see
your butt
- if you love your butt soo much that you want to show it off
- You have the strange urge to smell your butt because it has butt residue from someone else (sick and distrubing, I know,
but this one is not from me!)
- your Butt is part of the evergrowing Butt Collage
- when a guy at youth group (or someone whoe's really religous) slaps your butt when you're getting into the car.)