Arse- the butt Agony Aunt- An advice columnist
like ‘Dear Abby’ Bangers- firecrackers that just make a bang Bangers & mash-
sausage and potatoes Berk- idiot, moron, stupid Bitter- beer Bloke- a
guy Bloody- an expression sometimes used when a person is mad Blodge- Short for Biology
class Bollocks- a guys… ‘Special Place’ Bonnet- the hood of a car Boot-
the trunk of a car Borstal- like juvy hall for boys Briefy- Briefcase Bristols-
Bugger- like a swear word Bum- butt Burke idiot, moron Cheers-
"Goodbye" Chips- Frenchfries Colonies- U.S. Come a cropper- when you fall
down Crack- a woman Cricket- It’s a game that the Brits play. Don’t really
know what it’s about Crumpet- cookie that is usually eaten at tea time Cuppa- cup
of tea – to go with the crumpet Daft- stupid, dumb, moronic, idiotic Dicey- risky,
iffy, unsure Dodgy- unsure, iffy, dicey, Doing the Paper work- rolling a joint, going
to the bathroom, doing the taxes Dole- Welfare Double cool with knobs- a word meaning really
really really cool Duffing up- a catfight or an argument between 2 girls Dump- needs to
use the bathroom for a no. 2 Dummy- pacifier Fag- cigarette Fancy-dress party-
costume party Fanny- a girls butt Fife- butt, arse, Bum Fit- a nice looking
woman Flogged- drunk Football- soccer Fortnight- two weeks -- if some
of ya had Mrs. Bratz in the 2nd grade you’d member her talking about it French Septic- Someone
from Canada Frenchie- – If only I could remember whose nickname that is…. Lol jk Fringe-
Bangs Froggie- French class Gaffer- a boss Games- Sports Geezer-
an old guy Geoggers- Geography class Glandular Fever-Mono—kissing decease Gorgey-
Gorgeous Hair Grip- Bobby Pin Hole in the wall- ATM machine Holiday- vacation
Jimjams- Pajamas Joggerbums- shorts you jog in Knackers- Knickers-
underwear Lead- a leash Lift elevator Loo- bathroom Lunck-
Lunch Luv- Love Mate- friend Maths- Short for mathematics Meat
& two veg-
Milk Tray- Box of chocolates Muff- Mum-
mom Naff- not worth much, out of fashion Naff off- get away from me! or replace 'naff'
with a bad 'f' word and it might make since Nappy- Dipper Nutter- A crazy person –
Bri calls me that… a lot lol Nuddy-pants- when you don’t have anything on Pants-
a guys underwear Peaks- Petrol- gas Pips- Pay phone cuz when you need
to put more money in, instead of a mean ole lady it makes a pip pip pip noise – how lucky Pissed- drunk
Piss off- go away Pisser- funny Plastered- drunk Playschool-
daycare Ponce- a person acting better then what they are – sounds really familiar Pond Robber-
Frenchman Poofter- a gay guy Prat- fool, idiot, moron Pub- a bar Pushchair-
stroller Rat arsed-drunk Ratted- drunk Rave- party Ring- to
call someone Roll neck- Turtleneck Row- Argument Rotten- good –
doesn’t really make sense when you think about it Rucksack- Backpack Sausage Jockey-
a gay person – ha ha the Express! Shag- To..... uhhhh.... member Austin Powers? Shopping
trolley- Shopping Cart – hehe those are a nice lil invention so ya don’t have to hold everything ;) Smeg-
Junk Snogging- kissing Snogging Scale-
- Holding hands
- Arm around shoulder
- Good-night kiss
- Kiss over 3 minutes without a breath
- Open mouth kiss
- Tongues
- Upper body fondling outdoors
- Upper body fondling indoors
- Below waist activity
- The full Monty
Spot- pimple, zit Straight away- right now Swiz- something that is unfair Taking
the piss- joking around Torch- a flashlight Tosser- an idiot Tosspot-
stupid Trainers- Running shoes Transit- like a taxi TTFN- ta ta for now Twonk-
idiot Wally- stupid person wally check- someone who makes sure that no one is stupid enough
to leave anything behind Yank- someone from the U.S.