- It's Gods' calling
- Ronald McDonald was cheating on me with one of my best friends.
- Predro who worked at the Farris Wheel at Valley Fair.... "my psychiatrist told me
not to talk to people like you".... "why you can't talk to me?"
- Matt Ketchum... plz don't ask... and no its not Ketchup
- Lincoln... code name: '16th presadant' not the actuale guy
- The guy in the McDonald's Play Place
- Paul Hamm
- Kelsey & James's breakup
- 'T-Bone'
- Men Whine... some of them
- the guy at the Express... he reminded me of someone...
- a guy who has yet to recieve a code name.. cuz i never told any one!... yet
- you fall madly in love, then he tells
you he is gay
- Men can't cook
- Men are absist with sports
- men end up cheating on you
- Dan, the Security Guy
- the other Security Guy
- Mental images... WAY too many of them!
- men are most likly to do a crime... have you ever seen a nun camiting
a crime?
- some men can be really creepy
- men can act alot like there age... sadly its the age of a 5 year old
- one word... transfestites
- shoes ... I don't get that
- men smell... some do smell good so I have to give kudos to the men out there that
smell good!
- men can't think for them self
- men have hairy belly buttons... some are like a black whole of hair like it never
- the good guys are usually taken
- How Curly treated Jessica
- How Curly asked every girl out in our grade
- Men are afraid of Comitment
- most men should go back the the planet they came from
- men are to simple to understand girls
- some men are bad kissers
- men have bad breath
- bad break ups
- men can be rude
- once the two of ya break up, before you know it, he's got another girlfriend!
- Men are more likly to cheat on you
- If you become a nun, you don't have to be hearing about sex 24/7
- the guy that you REALLY like moves away before you can tell him that you REALLY
like him
- you tell a guy that you like him and he says that he has a girlfriend
- they expect you to cook and clean and do all the housework while they do nothing
- they say girls spend too much money
- Men lie
- some men are really stupid
- when they get sick, they expect the girlfriend to act like a maid and take care
of them but when the girlfriend gets sick there well enough to clean the house
- some men want.....uhhhh..... how can I put it...... they.... well... I hope you
know what I'm talking about cuz idk how else to say it!
- that fealing that you can't discribe that you feel whenever your around a guy you
like and its an ok feeling but at the same time you can't stand it
- they remind you of your six year old cousin
- Men don't have much of a life
- (my favorite) Men Suck
- Men are jerks
- they think they no everything but they really don't
- Sticky Buns lol
- TV seems to be more important
- there are REALLY mean guys out there taht can be abusive
- they say they are gonna call but when they do call, its about 3 hours later
- they can be very brain dead on sertain subjects
- a very simple thing like a pen confuses them
- Potato Rice... Don't ask
- expereances... like once i saw this guy blew his nose in a kleenex and then he looked
at it for like 3 minutes!!! thats discusting!!!
- gym..... big yellow ball.....
- this is a little far fetched, but homecoming night... if there are guys out there
that like that then i think its a good enough of a reason
- Jase treating Olivia like crap
- some smell bad then they hug you and make you smell bad
- when guys say "I don't know, I have to think about that" *cough* 'Guss' *cough*
- Government funding
- free donuts (inside joke)
- invasive plan number 4
- Defence meconisum number 3
- guy who asked all girls to prom
- the "guy who asked all girls to prom's" friend
- they loose there damn cell phone and go on vacation when you really really need to
talk to them!
- men can mess with your mind
- Strawberry-kiwi water in Hawiian Punch
- Clock worshipers?!!
- english muffins
- other experances...
- telephones
- the questions that Amanda has been asking Mr. Giese
- complex questions
- Pac Man
- Men are like twix bars
- men who have a 'prince elbert'
- they try to stuff you in a gym bag
- when your best friend likes the guy you have a huge crush on and he likes your best
friend back
- guys are blind to emotions
- friends don't care enough, ever
- men don't understand you have have to literaly give them a word bank just so they
can fill in the blanks!
- he never calls back when he says he will
- Buttered Popcorn
- when you tell him something really important and is on your mind, he says 'cool'
- how Mitch drooped Olivia like a hot potato
- you've been really good friends w/ a guy then date but late break-up then when you
realize you still like him, he's got a girlfriend
- chocolate doesn't do anything when you're depressed!!!
- Water doesn't help either
- they just don't seem to use a camera! you ask for a pic but they say they never
have one! hasn't men ever heard of a camera?
- Men are shallow! It's soo unbeleaveable! for one thing they think that girls worship
him or something!! you just have the sudden erge to smake them.
- They don't know understand the line between leading a girl on and actually liking
them... just not in "that sorta way."
- when you're all depressed because of a guy so you go to add a few more reasons
to become a nun, and the really creepy part is, a poem comes up and it discribes everything you're going thru at that moment
- you have no clue why the word love is hilighted... and you have no clue how to un-light
- the guy you seems like the "right one" for you, doesn't see you as the "right one"
for him
- You don't want to ask a guy if he likes you because he has a girlfriend,
your friend is pushing you to tell him, then once you do, you tell your friend what he said, then she asks why you asked him
when he had a girlfriend!
- your reasons to become a nun come back to hunt you...
- you really should tell him the reason behind something but you cant because of other
obsticales in the way and you have to be ready to tell him
- there is soooo many obsticales in the way of everything
- you're runnign out of topics to change the subject
- you can't control what you are feeling
- It's sooo difficalt what you're going thru
- you are sick of playing these games b/c there are obsticales in the way
- you cant get over a guy... no matter what
- you dont know where you stand
- mixed amotions
- you get confused
- you're afraid of losing one of your best friends just because you're just not ready
to tell him something
- it doesn't feel right to keep information but you know it's the right thing to do
for the time being
- COMMUNICATION! what kind of relationship do you really have if you don't talk to
each other? if you have boring conversation, not good! if there is a problem between the two of you, talk! you hear that guys?
REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY miss the guy you like a LOT. yes, really.
- you try to guess who he likes because he won't come flat out and tell you. So you
are guessing fro about 2 hours and he gives you a hint but then once you go on the net and unscramble the letters you realize
the words were spelt backwards.
- you feel really bad because of something really stupid you did
- Summer isn't here fast enough
- Maroon 5
- Music downloads
- Different time zones seems very very far away
- short memory spands
- The what to look for in a guy list
- men can be a little too jealous, a bit jealous is fine, but not too much
- boxers or briefs?... that is the question
- when his telephone is disconnected
- Scruffy..... funny I didn't put him on here sooner... wait, did I?
- cell phones
- pictures
- Men are confusing!
- talking to him for hours just doesn't seem long enough.
- he doesn't know he's gonning to change his religon so your kids can have christmas
presents (from Livvy)
- sometimes you just have to run away from a situation
- holy ball-less birdies! (inside joke)
- Inside Jokes!
- The Horse
- The big red van
- they jack off when you're on the phone with them and they expect you to do something too
- if the guy you like really does end up becoming a Priest, why not become a nun?
- You think he is your Knight in shining Armor, but he's not the one behind the
metal Armor
- Turtle
- The guys out there that rip your heart out and do the mexican hat dance on it
- You really really really really miss the guy you like. (yes, I know, I already have
this reason on here, but its really important!)
- a person you consider your friend says the guy you like hates you, becuse she's
jealous (as you can see, we have a lot of drama in our school)
- a person who considers you a friend, sends letters to the guy you like when she
knows you like him and he likes you, and she tries to take him away from you.
- You like one of your guy friends but you don't wanna do anything about it because
it might ruin the friendship.
- Some guys are afraid of butterflies.
- you don't have to feel the pain of a bad breakup
- They get you confused!
- He has a annoying younger sister that you have to babysit and is a pain in the butt,
but the real reason you're watching her, is because you get to see her older brother
- There's 3 paths.... and your two of them
- Stress
- Stress that your best friend is going thru and you feel it to because you know it
has something to do with you
- Brokenhearts
- Kiss, Tell, and Argue
- emails
- anger
- small about of Jealousy
- Insanity
- Chicago
- pop-ups
- Music
- When one of your best friends moves away
- your exboyfriend see's you in your bra when he's coming up the driveway on his motorcycle
and almost crashed.... to bad he didn't
- online releationships gone bad
- he's dating a girl, but has a nother girlfriend that does "stuff" to him in the
park..... ew
- San Diego
- Charlie
- When a guy knows a girl likes him, but says she doesn't show it
- When a guy likes you, but doesn't show it, when you know he likes you
- they're afraid of getting close to someone
- Nuns in india
- Priests in india
- Msn Messenger
- msn messenger screen names
- Yellow Boxers
- 5 freaking reasons!!!!!
- "the hardest thing to do is to be next to someone, and know you can't have them"
- some men don't even know where thorp is.... and have to use mapquest.
- "hey, free dummy"
- Men change everything
- Storms
- Phone
Call... then no phone
calls (this one's for Bri)
- you can't help but worry about a guy
- Jewish school
- a guy moving away..... for the second time!!
- 22 year old Justins
- Talo
- When you like someone, but his younger sister doesn't like you and sets up one of
her friends with him.
- Phone
- Crabby Men
- Getting pregant way too young!! (this one does NOT, I repeat does NOT pretain to
- Purity
- Braces
- Hookers
- Shallow Guys
- Vagueness
- Awkwardness
- Men smell really good!.. too good!!
- tons of people leaving voice messeges and being upset that you didn't answer your
- when people call you, but don't talk to you. they're talking to everone around them
- they call you, have to let you go for whatever reason they have, but you're supposed
to call them back
- the stuation: he don't want to ask me out b/c hes the hired man. Advise... I hope
he gets there before the pizza guy.
- mitch sucks
- mitch sucks even more
- since Olivia has a lil bodyguard, mitch sucks!
- Why do men get to pick the engagement rings?
- Even tho you're mostly over a guy, it still hurts that he's dating your best friend.
- men are conceited
- you've been 'hinting' about something when in reality you could careless about that
- when you have a major crush on a complete ass but can't stop liking him
- when a lot of your friends like the same guy you did, for just as long, but didn't
know until about a year later.
- when a guy expects you to be pissed about something, but your not
- "pepsi"
- When the open and honest relationship doesn't exist anymore
- Derrek treating Stephanie like crap
- the heartache
- confusion created because of a guy
- he's married and has 4 kids
- he's single but too old
- when you have to fight back the desire to strangle the living crap out of a guy
- the feeling of betrail
- pathological liars
- when you see a guy as sweet and innocent, then get to know them and realize you
were wrong
- all the jackasses out there
- jealousy
- Felonies
- one phone
call can change your whole perspective of how you thought you felt- or should of felt
- men that can't stop talking to about themselves!
- when a guy, is sweet to a girl, gives her his sweater, and lays on top of her, its
not considered 'leading on'
- the confusion created when your being pulled back and forth from liking a guy to
not liking him.
- when you messed up and want to forget what happened but you really can't because
there's other people involved.
- when a guy likes you, then likes your best friend, then likes you again!
- when a guys intentions are unclear
- When he's perfect for all the wrong reasons
- it just didn't work out
- Chris
- 'Farm Boy"
- Shane's Jeff (lol)
- Jeff
- Medical Doctors
- A guy breaks up with you after he says you were flirting with his cousin (which
you weren't) when in reality, he was flirting with all these girls
- sometimes you just have to find a really bad guy, to meet a sweetheart
- Men create too much DRAMA!
- you have to wait TWO weeks to see your guy
- Love can't wait... but sometimes it has to
- when he's twice your age
- Men's terible mood swings
- when you meet the most concided guy in the intire world
- One of them is lying to you
- being part of a love... petagon
- men lie to themselves
- its not pornography, its more like.....drugography
- pornography
- typing over 70 reasons to your list, and then having to type them ALL over again
b/c it didn't save!
- nutlikers (from livvy)
- they stick their nose into your business
- they're always right
- when they say thinks like, "you don't undersand what im saying" or "Do you get what
im saying?" its soo annoying
- he can't keep playing games like this anymore
- when they call you and the two of you talk about nothing
- when you have to resort to talking about the wether because no one is talking
- great way to change the subject: talk about the weather
- when they ask you a question, then you give them your answer, but they don't believe
- when a guy makes George Bush look smart
- when they lie about playing the guitar
- when you like a guy and he likes you... along with 3 of your bestfriends
- when 3 of your best friends like the guy you like
- when all your problems are because of one guy
- when he apologizes then cant come up with why he's sorry
- when your stuck in the middle of the situation and he says you should be in the
- the night after the Homecoming game Sophomore year
- talking in your sleep
- when a guy lies about what you were talking about in your sleep
- Michel Jackson
- major ass kissers
- he's soo confused, he doesn't even know what he wants
- when he likes you on 'some level'
- "i like you... but i also like your best friend"
- when he's being a jackass towards you but likes you 'on some level'
- you may have stabbed him in the back, but he stabbed you in the heart
- you cant go back in time and make everything right again
- when everything was perfectly fine, then changes
- when your world suddenly spins off its axis
- when a guy says they love you when they prolly doesn't know what 'love' means
- when you need time to think about the situation you got yourself in
- when a guy is soo stubbern to see something thats infront of his face
- 'the tongue'
- when he had all the oppertunity to ask you out, but didn't. now you pulled yourself
out of the mix, he wishs he had the opertunity back
- he tries to make you feel better but he doesn't
- he's gotta choose
- they don't like the same music as you do
- when he leads girls on just so he can figure out what he wants
- Brothers
- he wouldn't know good advise if it came up and knocked him on his ass
- he doesn't apoplgize when it matters
- they call you at all hours of the night
- when they think they're sooo hard to figure out, when really they're not
- Gay marrages
- when he has hurt you and your friends over and over again
- the blackhole theory
- when you're so pissed you laugh soo hard you start to cry
- when your ENTIRE nuns list is based on ONE guy
- when you're so pissed at them you start the shake
- when your fingers hurt cuz you're pissed off and typing too much b/c your pissed
- when they say they're gonna call back in 'a minute' and 2 days later they just decide
to call back
- when they use you for a good time...
- ... and for a neat story to tell their friends
- Hearing stories about your brother and what he was doing with one of your friends
- they call you and interrupt your conversations and searching to tell you stupid
stuff you already knew a month ago
- they make you waste your phone
bill to call them and tell you stupid shit you already know
- he's got charm
- Officer Hotlz
- they lie just to make themselves sound better
- Hairstyles
- they don't think about how their actions will affect others
- when you give them advice, they don't take it, but end up wishing they did
- nose pickers
- wedgy pickers
- the way they talk
- when the guy who was supposed to break you out of the mental istitution to run off
the canada hasn't come to rescue you yet
- Some men don't know the Canadian Anthem
- talking in your sleep
- they lie about what you were talking about while you were sleeping
- when they apologize but when asked what they did wrong, they cant think of anyhting
- you made a huge mistake and could of had a good thing, but you don't, and you cant
change time
- you never realize how much you mean to one person
- history repeats its self, some men don't learn there lesson from the past
- He made out with your best friend
- he was getting cozy with your other best friend
- you need time to think but no one's giving it to you
- you don't know how much a person means to you.... untill they make out with your
best friend
- It's like a bad break up, but before the dating even started
- you want a nun/priest list war? we'll have a war!
- not all the stuff on this nuns list has to do with one person
- he get's drunk and cheats on you after you two dated for a month
- It's inevitable for every girl to find at least one jackass, if you didn't, consider
yourself one hell of a lucky s.o.b.
- when the only thing that serates you and your best friends is hair color
- 'sleeping' on the bus ride home from the Stout leadership conference
- hey, I'm a girl, I can make mistakes too!!
- When a guy likes a girl, why play the games?
- when you have a HUGE door of oppertunity but you don't want to use it until you
realize its not there anymore
- don't hint around to me, i don't quite catch on all the time
- Timm's "Reasons to be a Rabbi" List
- love scares me
- Men aren't completly dumb
- contacts
- I hate to be concited, but when you think his voicemail message and other small
things are about you (refer to # 347)
- number 108 and number 109 on another list
- boner?!! where'd that come from!? (sorry, that sounds wrong, but it's the least
perverted one i could come up with)
- stupid cell phones
- when a guy totally sticks his finger up his nose, then stares at his findings
- When all you want is to be with the one you like, but it's not as simple as that...
- ... and that's all you want
- "I'll go fishing"
- The guy you like lives 2 hours away
- The guy you like you can only see him every other week
- Men should talk more about what they're feeling. I'd like to think of girls being
mindreaders, but we're not
- Men should communicate more
- If he likes you, he should call you!... not always the case
- ..."it just.. dissapeared!"
- brass kissers... oops! i mean brass players
- when you hurt a guy and you feel really bad about it
- women are not blind. dispite the dark glasses, we do NOT carry the silver canes!!!
- Maybe the fact that he 'reverted to my friends' is what hurt the most
- when the one you really like, who used to really like you, starts to slip away
- he's moving away... AGAIN!
- dont set yourself on fire
- when you miss a guy and he's not even gone.
- you made a few mistakes and missed many oppertunities and you'd give anything to
go back and fix it and make it all right
- mediforical stab wounds
- babysitting 11 kids makes you not wanna have any kids!!
- I do not want kids anyways
- you can always become a nun, teach at a catholic school, and be the editor of the
school news paper
- Men don't know the difference between a convent and a monestary. a convent is for
nuns (ie women) and a monestary is for monks (ie men)
- thinking on the same wave length scares you a lil bit
- After you’ve been repeatedly hurt, it’s time to start taking notes
- when you think it might be the end, it really is the end
- you miss the way he once was
- When you call him and he says that he cant talk but you should call back at
so and so time. Wait, isn't he the one that should call you back? it's his fault he can't talk!
- he's too loveable
- your friends like him because he's lovable
- you can't get mad at him because he's too lovable
- your heart tells you one thing, and your mind tells you another
- it's inevitable that your heart will be broken
- horoscopes suck
- John Mayer songs
- he cheats on you not once, but TWO times
- eyeliner
- the hassle of mak-up and fixing hair and all that kinda stuff
- burnt brownies
- burn mark from the brownies
- UW Stout
- Mr. Remus' penguin pen
- FCCLA Conventions
- close to the flame
- Stacy's mom
- lava lamp
- St. John's Choir
- fear of spiders
- He always has right, but clams that you're exactly like that
- when all a guy talks about is himself. it means you could careless about a girl.
- different religions
- the clay turtle i made in Art (broke 3 times in 3 idfferent places
- Globlizing
- singing
- Magic tape
- my ghetto computer microphone
- too many numbers
- Geometry
- mr. walicks stupid grading system
- lava lamps
- cd burners
- M&M's
- dancing
- no matter what, you can always come back to reason # 52
- music lists
- 2005 fall festival
- Scary movies
- mixed up ears
- it smells like christmas... in October
- when a guy smells really good and it drives you crazy
- James from Sylvan
- Geometry: there's no point behind it
- the #1 hit music that suddenly become really annoying
- when your favorite song then becomes a constant reminder of what you once felt
- when people mispronunce words!
- miss using proper English
- When ppl think they're better then you
- when he dumped you for another guy
- he didn't tell you who the last person he dated was and you think it's b/c he dated
a guy (from Amanda)
- weird absession of cleaning toilets
- weird obsession of writing bibliography
- violins in a punk-rock song
- it's a crazy, mixed up world out there!
- they have music in convents, don't they?
- when some men kiss they slabber all over your face
- Almost deleting half your list... 4 times
- MSN messenger conversations
- that STUPID Iraq War
- Law & Order
- the Movie, Remember the Titians
- Needles
- Getting Shots
- Whiteboards
- bubbles
- Quiz Bowl Questions
- Home sickness
- Missing the opertunity to go to Kalahari... Twice
- Going to Kentucky
- Singing Jingle Bells all year 'round
- Hard work and dedication
- the feeling of being nervous
- Never worring about seeing movies
- Never seeing classic movies like Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, and
the Godfather
- Computers being possessed
- Winter is bad for driving
- Men are consited
- Escaping from a mental institution to run to canada
- Men are vaccumes
- when you can't talk to a guy b/c you promised a friend
- when did love get so... confusing!?
- Safty pins
- Marie wanting to cry
- Burger King
- Deep Breaths don't work
- depression is way too hard to go through just because of a guy
- the signs of joining a convent are all over
- If a guy lies to you, even if its a small one, how are you supposed to trust him?
- Throwing a cell phone at an electrical fence
- Everything was alot better before North Carolina
- When you feel a sudden yank on your heart strings
- skinned knees are harder to fix then broken hearts
- When the one that always seems to have all the answers, is the one that has the
- Caller ID's
- Arguments with friends over stupid things
- you don't want to leave high school becasuse you probably won't see any of your
high school friends anymore
- love doesn't always workout as you plan it to be
- sometimes your worst enemy used to be your best friend
- Whoes Line is it Anyway?
- Forgin countries
- whats the point of having an audio conversation when you have to type most of your
- MSN Display pictures
- I think I love Google more then men
- Google.... its just a fun word to say
- Schotch tape isn't just for rapping presents
- They like supermodels. And they tell us they do.
- They make fun of our upper-body strength.
- abortions
- they refuse to ask for dircections
- manly men? HAHA! now that is funny!
- long distance relationships that really aren't long distance
- dumb California laws
- Stupid computers
- hunting
- all the decent men are taken
- they mess with your mind
- Alcohlics
- Being 15 years old, and seeing Peter Pan for the first time
- lyrics that discribe how you feel at that given moment
- Men are worse then evil (see proof below)
- Pat Sayack and Vanna White
- corn mazes
- guys in corn mazes that have too much colone on
- stupid arguements
- you're so full of hate b/c you like him so much
- when a friend takes stuff off your site and others
- when a friend invites themself into an inside joke that has
nothing to do with them
- the reason why you made up a nuns list is b/c you're getting sick of having your
heart ripped out repittedly...
- ...and a friend fails to realize that
- you now regret a lot of reasons on your nuns list
- "i told you so moments"
- you just added a new word to your vocabulary: cocky
- Stupid John Mayer songs! he knows what im feeling
- I tried apologizing twice! nuh-uh, not doing it again. It doesn't
make anything better
- you really like a guy, but you get upset b/c you know thats as fare as it will get;
likinging him from a distance
- your friend can't get their own life so has to copy all their other friends
- The book, The Godfather
- sherlock holmes
- you're practicly bending over backwards
- you're killing me soo much and in so many different ways, i just cant stand it anymore
- bag of worms
- it sucks,everything has to stay the same
- Rude telephone conversations (not nessesarly to the one on the other line, but also
to the people around the other person)
- Just plan rudeness
- Stupid conversations
- Breadstick conversation
- he says he's going to ask you out, but jumps to your best friend
- he cant trust me? well i can't trust him
- one of your best friends is ruining friendships b/c of some
- 'Will & Grace'
- Making out with my best friend and cudling up with another one
of my best friends might not of ment something to you, but it did to me
How do things end up getting hi-lighted on this list?
- When people steal stuff from your site and clame it as theirs
- Songs about warts
- Some men don't know Borders is a bookstore
- National Men are Stupid Day is November 16
- Men are confusing! whether they admit it or not
- "the look"
- racoon hunting... during the day
- he likes you, but he doesn't ask you out. why do men do this? it drives us girls
crazy! and its not just me this has happened to, it also happened with 3 of my other friends!
- Maroon 5
- People taking stuff from other peoples sites and claming it at their own
- Arguements because people copy other people
- Nun Run
- They think they know whats going on inside a girls head and
think they have everything about her figured you, well, guess what? they don't.
- When I say things like "men suck, men are jerks, men are stupid" i
mean men in genral, im not aiming it at one spacific person.
- You can say I hurt you, b/c I'm sure I did. but nothing, I mean
nothing comes close to the plain you inflicted on me.
- not being able to understand horoscopes
- boys are just dumb!
- they where too much cologne that it burns your nose
- Black Navy Boots
- Japan
- Trying to learn Japanese
- Men are shallow
- Do men ever stop talking?
- they think about themselves... a lot
- Stupid.... flipping cell phones!!
- the two of you are just friends but yet he's telling people the two of you are dating
- It's not my fault i broke your heart, its your fault you pushed me away
- We both know it wouldn't work out.... im sad to say, I'm moving on
- Sometimes, all you feel is anger
- Lie
- Cheat
- Only think of sex
- Refuse to ask for directions
- Flip channels with the remote when you're trying to watch something
- Leave you to do all the housework
- Leave you to take care of the baby
- Act like idiots when they get around their friends
- Act like kids
- Leave the toilet seat up
- Pee all over the bathroom
- Lazy
- Watch too many sports and ignore you while they're on
- Always want to go see action movies and never the romantic ones
- Try to tell you what to do
- Don't take "No" for an answer
- Insensitive
- Look at porn
- Act like babies when they are sick
- Don't listen
- Don't communicate well
- Never want to talk about their feelings or the relationship
- Act macho
- Can wear the same pair of underwear or socks for a week and
not care
- Burp, fart, and then laugh about it
- Leave their dirty clothes all over the house
- Scratch themselves in public
- Be late for everything
- Blame everything on PMS
- Talk to your breasts instead of your face
- Say they love you just to get sex
- Have big egos or are insecure - no in between
- Talk during your favorite TV show but bitch if you talk during
- Backseat drive
- Comb their hair across their head to (unsuccessfully) hide the
fact that they're balding
- Cannot spell
- Never admit they are wrong
- Never apologize
- Flex their muscles and think they are better looking than they
really are
- Give you stupid excuses when they've been caught in a lie or
doing something bad
- Assume that anyone who doesn't like them is a lesbian
- Forget anniversaries and birthdays
- Ogle at and flirt with other girls
- Remember that a girl smiled at him rather than your birthday
- Break promises
- Say they are busy when they are really home watching TV
- Have their stupid friends over all the time
- Ask for your number but never call - or wait a week
- Selfish
- Sleep with your friends
- Always blaming things on us
- They smile when you know they are lying
- Never call you back when they say they will
- Stink up the place
- Have Work issues
- Use other people's credit
- Pick their noses in public
- Eat everything in sight
- Never buy you anything
- Have stinky feet
- They are still breathing
- Chase you for months, then lose interest once they know you
have become interested
- Call you all week and disappear on the weekend
- Assume you’ll be there when they get ready to pay attention
to you
- Inconsiderate male chauvinist pigs
- Like to make you feel
- Never like your ideas
- Like kids unless they are their step-kids
- Hypocritical
- Don't take out trash
- Don't eat leftovers
- Don't mow the lawn
- Use women for sex
- Use being drunk as an excuse for cheating
- Remember their old girlfriend's first and last name, but not
- Avoid you when they think you'll get angry or upset
- Tend to think that their feelings are more important than yours
- Think they're smarter than you
- Feel sorry for themselves…
- …. But never for you
- Think they can find somebody better than you
- Think since they're cheating on you, you must be cheating on them
- Think just because you talk to them that you like them
- Think it's okay to reach up your shirt after you just met them
at a party because you're drunk
- Fat, irritating, loser guys hitting on you
- Don't have a problem with trying to have sex with 14-year-old
girls (when they're already way out of high school)
- ALWAYS have a new girl within a week after you break up, then
he tries to tell you he's not happy with her and he wants you back
- Give mixed messages or start flirting and then you find out
they have a girlfriend
- Pretends to be Prince Charming...reels you in...plays on your
emotions...takes advantage of your very best self...then turns out to be Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde...leaving you to pick up the
pieces after he's wreaked havoc with your life....
- They ignore you when you talk to them on the phone
- They treat their friends better than you
- They check out other girls, but it's taboo for us to check out other guys
- They accuse us of shifting the blame when THEY ARE WRONG!
- They'll blow off all their money on themselves before even considering
spending any on you
- They hang up on you
- They yell at you, but you can't yell at them back
- They don't tend to your feelings
- They accuse us of trying to get pity when we're upset and need
- They can't accept a compliment because they are 'too good'
- They act like they are above you and are perfect
- They believe their own lies
- Will listen to what their friends say before their girlfriends!!
- Hate it when you say you need to talk to them...they avoid "talks"
- Will leave you for another woman
- Never have time for you because they are working but always
have time to take out other girls
- Kiss you and lead you on
- Never remember your name
- Keep their ex-girlfriends pictures - on the wall by their bed!!
- Always want other women
- Dream of your hot friends
- Always want the blonde
- Just all around treat you like SHIT
- Leave the toilet seat up and you end up waking up in the middle
of the night, still half asleep, and go to sit down, and fall in… you gotta admit, it’s happened to us all
- Expect to be showered with gratitude for buying you a cheap,
tasteless gift for your birthday
- Expect to be showered with gratitude washing the dishes once
- Think that grabbing a bag of garbage from the kitchen and tossing
it into an outdoor dumpster is the total work effort equivalent of all other household chores combined, including childcare
- Can't understand why you feel so threatened by their participating
in a little harmless flirtation, then get hugely bunged up when you mention that another guy happens to be attractive
- Hit on women way out of their league and criticize the looks
of women within their own aesthetic ballpark
- Never stop doing that thing that annoys you no matter how nicely,
how brutally, or how persistently you ask or tell them to stop it
- Tell them you don't like seafood, but make reservations at a
seafood restaurant
- You tell them you don’t like something, but they
buy it for you anyways
- Say they want to see you, so you don't make any plans for that day, then when
they don't call you on that pre-arranged day so you eventually have to call them, they are out with their friends while you're
stuck home doing nothing because all your friends have gone out without you because you told them you were seeing him
- Eat off your plate at dinner even though you're
not done and act like it shouldn't bother you but you can’t eat off of theirs
- They help carry heavy stuff - even if it is just to puff up their ego
- Have the power to make you forgive them by saying that they love you
- Will go out to a club and make out with another male when you're
right around the corner
- Don’t appreciate all the plucking/waxing/shaving/etc.
we do to look good
- Act like dogs when their friends are around and expect you to
be all for it
- Lie about lying
- Act like they don't know how to give a back massage
- Blame girls for gossiping and think we don't notice
that they do it too
- Expect girls to work, take
care of the house, kids, dinner and them, but
- they
will only go to work, come home, and be catered to
- Pick flowers from your own
yard and give them to you
- Cook them a lavish dinner and
they ask, "Did you lose an earing at my place?"...when you didn't lose an earring at his place
- Use "women's lib" as an excuse to
not to open the door for you
- Act like gentlemen when you are dating and
act like jerks after you have fallen for them
- Act like monogamy is rocket
- Drink all of the milk, eat all the fruit and leave you the pits
- Volunteer to take out the trash after you've already done it
- Blame the car breaking down or traffic on
- Never around on moving day
- Bring
the car home on empty when you have somewhere to go
- Can't save money
- Are too tight with their money
- Everything else in their lives
is so much more important than you and if you bitch about that, they always seem to be able to make you feel guilty about
bitching about it
- Always broke when you wanna go somewhere
or do something. but if they wanna go out, there's plenty
- Will be hitting on the girl standing next to you
but the minute she turns him down, he starts hitting on you
- Out to screw as many girls as possible
- Break up with you on New
Year's Eve night and leave you no other alternative than to take their friends home
- When you aren't interested, they try to analyze why instead
of just asking
- Want the relationship but not you
- Brag about how hot they are when they aren't
- Think you are more stupid than you really are
- Assume there's something wrong with you when you aren't interested
- Try to get with people young enough to be their children
- You can't shatter their ego in any way, or else the world is over
- Compliment themselves more than you
- Act differently when around their friends
- Talk too much
- They say women are 2-4 years more mature then men!
- Can go out and do whatever they please but expect you to sit
home waiting for when they're ready to be with you
- Think spending money is all they need to do to satisfy you
- Buy you a fake ring and think you won't realize that gold shouldn't
turn your finger green
- Have the brain I had when I was 11
- Write REALLY bad love letters
- Either a Daddy's boy or a Mama's boy
- Negative while your in your positive world
- You know you’re falling in love when the small stuff bugs
you... unfortunately, you realize it when its too late
- You only want the ‘guy next door’
- Apologize when they do something wrong and the next day they
do it again
- Say they're going to call you and then play video games with
their dumb friends instead and then don't say a word about the fact that they didn't call you when they see you the next day
- Make plans with you to do something and then don't call until
about eight o'clock, forcing you to sit there all day wondering when you're going to actually get together
- Hang out with their friends a lot more than they do with you
- Treat you like crap without realizing that YOU COULD DO SO MUCH
BETTER and will only put up with their bullshit for so long
- Force you to watch hunting videos with names like "Buck Masters
- Cant have conversations that don't deal with hunting, cars,
sports, or snowmobiles
- Send rollercoaster like signals that turn you into a big emotional
wreck that doesn't know how to act
- Have no taste whatsoever in jewelry but still buy it for you
and expect you to wear it
- Are either not sweet at all or sickeningly obsessed corny sweet. No middle ground here ladies
- Send letters after you've broken up saying things like "Friendship..what
a joke!" and "Goodbye--for good!!"
- Have multiple personalities
- Call you when THEY feel like it
- Hit on your friends right in front of you
- Don't appreciate all the things you do for them
- Turn their back on you if there's another female around
- One day they're sweet and gentle, and the next day they avoid you completely
- Don't know what (or who) they want
- Receive
lots of gifts but never give any
- Never apologize
- You have a fear of opening
yourself up since you don’t want to ruin something that could be wonderful all b/c you don’t want to lose them
- Cheat on you and then act like its your fault
- Always expects you to forgive and forget...even
when they don’t deserve it
- Never want to commit
- Start sweating the moment you
mention the "M" word
- Break your heart when you least expect
it and then act like you are old friends when you see them out in public
- Act like they don't care at all about you
when they are with their friends
- Don't pay attention to you
when you want them to, especially when you are trying to make them jealous
- Still manage take up space in your
heart, even when they have hurt you more than anyone before
- Can flirt with you but if you flirt back, you're a tease
- Ignore when you tell them to do something, and then they do the complete opposite
and get mad when you question them
- Are cynical assholes
- Make
it so that all porn these days is nothing but girl on girl action
- Never show themselves during love scenes but girls have to show
- It's easy for them to forget you're having a fight and go out
with their friends while you stay home
- Write "love" letters, which are perfect for wiping our vengeful, shitty asses
- Expect blondes to laugh at dumb blonde jokes, when they're obviously
more stupid than the blondes
- Show up three hours late, without calling or giving a good excuse, and then
get pissed when you no longer want to do what you planned three hours ago
- Tell you all about dropping $100 on a new "toy" (game,electronics,
pda) over dinner, then proceed to complain about not having any money and hint that you should pick up the check
- Sit and sulk when you ask them to stay home rather than go out
because you're very ill and don't want to be left alone
- Pretend that their true motivations are somehow secret, not
abundantly clear to any woman who hasn't been lobotomized
- Insist that they're not thinking/feeling anything in particular
even though they're walking around like an irate bull with an elephant up its ass
- Never listen, even though they tell you they do
- Can never do anything for themselves
- When we're upset about them making rude
comments, it's our fault
- Can't dress themselves
- Think sex solves every problem
- Have an innate "blame-shifter.”
Somehow, if you bring an issue up with a male, you end up apologizing!!
- You apologize for something, and then say it was inevitable
for you to regret it, instead of taking the apology.
- Love is a risk
- Call you only to brag about something they got, that you already
have in the first place
- Say they will come over so you wait up all night for them. Then when you try to call them when it is 2 in the morning and they're still not there
their phone is "unavailable".
- Always try to make you look like someone else... "You should
cut your hair like hers or dye it like hers or dress like her...."
- Are gone forever and never call to tell you where they are and when they will
be coming home, which is usually a couple of days later, smelling of alchol and having lipstick all over their collar
- STUBBORN as all hell and refuse to admit they need help from
a girl
- Run away from their problems
- Will talk to their friends
about their problems instead of talking to you
- Talks to their friends about their feelings instead of you
- Won't tell their friends they have a girlfriend 'cause they're not "emotional" in
public, even though they expect it from you!
- Are all lowdown, scum-sucking, lying, cheating assholes
- Think that they are gods when all they really are is scared little boys looking
for a piece of ass
- Hangs up on you and try to pin it on you
- Practically devote themselves to trying to get with you, and
then when they've got you, they need their space
- Leave your shower or tub nasty when they finish bathing
- Pay more attention to their friends and not their wives
- Will ask you if you've considered breast implants but can't
stand the thought of you asking them for a penis enlargement
- The words guy, asshole, and pig are practically synonymous
- Never listen to you when you think it's important.
- Ask you to get a breast enlargement when his dick is the size
of a twinky hard solid
- Always "forget" their wallet when they go with you to an expensive
restaurant but have it when they go with another girl
- Refuse to get up, change the channel on the TV, but insist on
looking for the remote until they can find it
- Can complain about your makeup and hair stuff on the counter
in the bathroom but you can't say anything when they leave the toilet seat up or when they miss the friggin' thing
- Won't hold the door for their girlfriend but will hold the door
for a "hot babe"
- Expect you to look like gwen stefani 24/7 when they look far
from your dream guy
- Only want to be with you as long as you do everything their way
- Force you to hang out with their friends by inviting them over
when you don't ever have any time for yours
- Don't want to be with you on important days and then say, "Oh,
I didn't know."
- Think that just because their mom was willing to be a slave
to their father that you should be that way to them
- Spend six months trying to make you let them in, then when you
do, they ask you to not be emotional around them
- Are emotionally there for their exes more then they are for
you and brag about that to their friends in front of you
- Are all sweet and touchy-feely on Saturday but when Monday rolls
around they ignore you and pretend none of the touchy feely stuff happened
- “Forget" (yeah right) to call you for a week and hang
up when they realize you're mad, even if you've told them a billion times that you'd like to talk with them at least once
every day
- Insist on buying you yellow gold jewelry when you've told them
you only wear white gold and buy Garnets instead of Rubies to save money and think you won't notice
- Stay up every night until 4-5 a.m. playing online computer games
but while hangin' out with you, they start to fall asleep at 11 p.m.
- Only want what they want when they want it ("I don't want to
go there....I don't want to do that...") and then call you a snob
- When you tell them some logical thing to do, they tell it to you a week later
like it was their idea and claim you never said a word about it
- Claim they love you but
dump you every two weeks
- Keep naked pictures of porn stars showing their asses and breasts
so it's the first thing you see when you walk into the room
- Assume that if they fuck you "right", you will forget whatever
stupid thing they did in the first
- Treat you like a princess one day and then act like a jackass
the next
- Act like someone they are not
in front of their friends
- Expect you to be there for them when they need you, but are nowhere in sight
when you need them
- Nothing is ever his fault
- Doesn't tell his mom about you because she'll "give him shit about it,”
- Tells you he loves you and after 3 months, tells you that he
can't love you anymore because you're too pure and innocent for him
- Overuses the words "sexy" and "hot" but never tells you you're "beautiful"
- Tell you they love you but never show it
- Expect you to know why they're in a bad mood and when you ask
what's wrong, they blow up in your face
- Take you out for $150 dinner on the first date to impress you,
then never call you again because you won't sleep with them after said dinner
- Never seem to be able to get things right
- Always want the opposite of what we want
- Break your heart
- Most men strut! WHY!? Are their undies in a bunch?
- Talk about other women
- Make you cry
- Destroy self-esteem with
one bad comment
- Think they are gods gift
- Distroy all
lack of respect for you
- Title you as his girlfriend but forget to mention his wife
- Don't shave their pits! Come on! Hairy pits=b.o.
- Think trading girlfriends is a fun
thing to do, and that there's nothing wrong with it
- Grab themselves in public with the excuse
that they're "repositioning" themselves
- Asks
why you don't do for him what his buddy's girl does for her "man"
- Actually think you need them
to lift heavy objects, open jars, and so-on
- Get upset when you wear high-heels
that make you taller than him
- Expect your life to revolve around
him while he checks out other girls
- Call you "clingy" when you want to be close and accuse you of cheating when
you give him his space
- Look good but they ruin the image when they
try to speak
- You go to see a movie with
him, then have to go to the same movie again without him so you can actually watch it
- Their friend can do the same thing
you do, sometimes even worse, but you're the only one they will get mad at
- Will go live it up all night with their
boys but when you want to go party they are tired - how convenient
- Think it is OK to go party
with their perverted slut friends that hit on every and any body and you're going to be cool with it
- When they're in a bad mood,
you have to walk on eggshells around them.... And we are the ones with PMS? YEAH RIGHT!
- Show more affection to (and spend
more money on) their ugly, loud muscle cars than they do on you
- Do things they KNOW you will be pissed about
and hope you won't find out
- Try to justify their most ridiculous
mistakes with equally ridiculous excuses
- Manly PMS
- At clubs, they think dancing with you makes it OK for them to
touch you in inappropriate places
- If they are your best friend and you two love to talk about
things other than sex (which is hard to find), before they go off to college, they promise that you'll always stay friends
and they won't stop talking to you, and that even they find a girlfriend, they will not ever neglect you. Instead, as soon
as they get to college and meet girls, like the fucking pigs they are, completely forget about you, stop talking to you, and
treat you like shit. If you ever do talk to them again, they will either say, "What was your name again?" or "How ya been?"<----
which really pisses US off because we go into bitch mode and want to rip off their throat and spit down their neck and when
we tell them that, they cluelessly and simply say, "Why are you mad at me?" Bastards
- When you have a fling with a guy and he says that he wants to
see you again, but never does
- When they act like they're total P-I-M-P-S, but they are stupid idiots who
dunno shit from shine about women
- Act like they are interested in you but flirt with
other girls in front of you, and get jealous if you smile at another guy
- Take forever to call you
- Have the motto "Bros before
Hos." excuse me, but just b/c you act all motcho and think your all that, doesn't mean we're a ho for dating you
- Think they are
Gods gift to Women... HA! isn't crock pot of bull
- Don't know the true meaning of respect and take you for granted,
like you'll always be
- They are just crap and argumentative and spoiled brats
- Won't let us carry the heavy stuff because they think we're too weak
- Have all the chances to be a sweetheart but never take advantage
of it!
- Go wild and crazy with their friends but not with us
- Stand us up and make stupid excuses as to why they can't do something
- How we actually care if another girl flirts with our guy, where
as if another guy flirts with us, he acts like he doesn't care
- Assume we don't need any foreplay, or how they think foreplay
is second or third base...no way! It's talking, taking us out to dinner, massaging, taking nice walks, etc.
- Don't make an effort to see us
- Pretend like they don't care when they get angry when all we
want them to do is TO CARE and to talk it out
- Conveniently have their cell phone on "silent" after they knew we might be
trying to call them
- Aren’t man enough to pick up the phone after an arguement
- Go to our favorite band's concert without us and pretend like
they don't really care if we can't come
- Go against everything we say
- Respond to what we are saying as a
problem that THEY have to solve, when all we want to them to do is listen
- Cant admit they’re wrong
- Are continually ill-prepared and fail to make appropriate plans,
reservations, etc. for a date
- Always ask us what we want to do, where we want to go, etc. for a date, when
all we want is for once, have them plan it and surprise us
- They always have plans, but when they ask YOU what you want
to do, they expect you to know what they have in mind
- Make us feel like we're the only ones who actually care and
get upset when we can't do something, and because we get jealous
- Men are cowardly. Never willing to give you closure at the end of the relationship.
They just stop calling.
- Help them clean and move out of their apartment,
drive 2 1/2 hours to your house, unload the stuff and store it, they make YOU pay for dinner that night!
- Buy him little things to show
you're thinking of him and he never reciprocates or surprises you the same way...he even forgets to reciprocate a backrub!
- One day they are telling you
they want to spend a lot of time with you, and make all these plans, and the next day, act as if you don't even exist
- When his cheap old fishing pole breaks
he'll blame it on you!
- He'll spend $350 on a digital camera for himself and for Christmas he'll buy
you a gift certificate to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for $25.
- Jump
up and down like a baby/monkey because he can't figure out how to get a friggin' plug out of the sink and thinks that the
garbage disposal is broken.
- Breaks promises
- Flirts with other people then gets upset
when you get angry
- They date you to get to your sister.
- Guys are so quick to jerk off to you when you chat
with them
- Go so long between haircuts that
the backs of their necks look like a shag carpet.
- Shut
you out and ignore you when you most need them because they have someone new to screw and you could even be dying *literally*
and they won't give a shit.
- They
steal the chewing gum out of your mouth and think they can return it with all their nasty mouthness all over it.
- Can't
remember your last name after you've been dating for awhile.
- Tell you they won't take you home to meet their mom because she might think this is a weekend
long relationship.
- Get
mad when you are not home when they call you, but ignore your calls on their cell phone.
- Say
you can be their "special" friend, because they are not ready for a commitment.
- Likes you and two of your best friends on “some level”…
and tells YOU
- Don't want to see you because they know
you are going to figure out that they are cheating on you.
- Always hit on the easiest, slutty whores, and want you to be the trusting and loyal girlfriend.
- Patronize you because they think that we are less intelligent than them -
actually it usually relates back to them being more intelligent than everyone naturally!
- Think
that they can tell us to "Shhhh!" in front of people that you know - to make themselves feel in charge!
- Don't
think that the smell of alcohol, cigarettes or cannabis on their breath will bother us - but when we tell them, they don't
even do anything about it!
- Tell
their friends everything - even the things that are totally confidential and completely inappropriate to mention to anyone
- Even when they dump us, they will still bad mouth us and lie
about the things we've done in order to make them seem like the victim - the thing that really hurts the most
- Don't see the toothpaste on their shirts
until they get to your door.
- Think that they can act completely
vague and get the point across.
- Obsessive about their car, which may we add, is a piece of junk.
- Talk way the hell too much
- Have to fuck them first to find out their dicks are not as big as their
- They ask you to call them 'Daddy' when they know you don't want
- Your relationship goes on and off all year, then they really want you, then
when you break up with them, they don't want to go back out with you.
- When men rag on you all day long because you don't kiss their butts from the
moment they get up to the moment they go to work!
- After they dump you they think it is fine for them to get over you, but heaven
forbid you ever get over them.
- As soon as they know another guy is interested
suddenly he regrets breaking up with you
- Make perverted jokes that disrespect
- Will cry and say he is sorry
to you and then later that night while talking to mutual friends you find out he says it was all your fault and you are a
dumb bitch for thinking otherwise.
- They
have the nerve to perscribe midol for you just b/c your a lil crabby when they don't experance PMS!
- The
only reason why women are a lil crabby when it comes to that time of the month is because men won't leave us alone!
- Doesn't read books unless they have pictures of
naked women.
- Tells you he’s sorry for all the pain and everything else
that happens but tells one of his friends that he just told you that just to make you feel bette
- Has double standards for everything and are too dumb to see it!!
- Call you while you're out. You call them
back while they're out and then they don't return the call for the next 3 or 4 days.
- Think
they’re always right when half the time they are wrong.
- Tells stupid jokes and says
you have no sense of humor when you don't laugh
- Start a serious conversation about your boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with them. Their replies
have so far been, "I dunno", and "Maybe", and "No", and sometimes you get no response at all.
- Talking
about something important to you over msn. They give you the sign "brb" yet never return...
- Say they understand when you say
you don't want to have sex until you are married yet think it's okay to shove there hands down your pants the moment you are
- Expect
you to understand the difference between "Do you want to go downstairs" as in to another level of the building and "Do you
want to go downstairs" as in moving into another level of your body!
- Tell you that they will never force you into sex, yet leave out the part about trying to con you
into it.
- Ask you out, start a relationship with you, then ponder to their guy friends,
"I'm not sure if she is my type."
- Invites you out to have sushi, then complains that he bought you a $2.00 salad!
- Asks you to split a parking ticket when
it's his car!
- Will
spend time with you when HE wants to.
- Can't commit to a relationship,
but expects you to want to be "just friends WITH BENEFITS".
- Puts looks first. Ever notice
how in the t.v. shows the woman slaves at home and is hot while the man is fat and does nothing? So true.
- Will act like a gentleman and
a great guy while dating, then they dump you and don't respect your feelings.
- Think they are so great and
sexy, etc. Once they realize they can get a girl, they dump you because they're
sure they are so hot that they can do better than you (i.e. get someone hotter than you.
- Calls you to tell you about
the problems he's having with his new girlfriend. Then wants you to call him back, when you do, he won't answer.
- About 30 on the list of things
that are important to him. You’re way behind food, friends,and sports.
- Cheats on you with several
girls then tells you it's your fault because you talked to his friend.
- Tells his new girlfriend you still want him and then she
wants to kick your ass
- Say
they want to be with you forever, then when the going gets tough they leave.
- Can say they love you, break
up with you a million times, and then expect you to be their "something on the side" when they marry someone else.
- They leave skid marks in the
toilet and leave you to clean it up.
- Breaks up with you because it's "weird"
and answers every single question with "I dunno" (especially the important questions).
- Always insist "I'll never hurt you like
he did" and they always do, sometimes even worse!
- They always pick the worst
- Obsessed with boobs, their
own penis, and bodily functions.
- Mock you when you complain
about something.
- Don't take you seriously when
you have an opinion.
- How there is a 1,000 to 1 asshole
to sweetheart ratio between the male species.
- Think that there is something wrong about
gay men, but lesbians they totally support.
- Men
only care about themselves, and only what is beneficial to them.
- Insensitive dominate pigs.
- Gets together with you when you haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks, goes to a party
where everyone you both know are going to be there - meets you there and dumps you at the beginning of the night - making
you either have to leave or have to spend the entire night seeing his face.
- Hits
on you for weeks, goes out and has fun, possibly fools around and then a week later you find out they have a girlfriend.
- Makes plans to go away for
the weekend - supposed to pick you up around noonish. Three o'clock rolls around and they still haven't called. When they
do call they make excuses and don't end up going.
- Thinks it's ok for them to
go to the club or bar but not for us to go
- Would
rather have beer than a relationship
- Male
mating call: "Somebody's happy." or "Look who wants to come out and play."
- Tells everyone that you are
smothering them and that they are annoyed that you are always around. But the very second you get off work or are out with
your friends for a change, your cell phone starts ringing off the hook and he's saying , "When are coming over. I miss you.
I love you. Come back."
- After being together for 2 years, dumps you via email. Then a year later tries to crawl back.
- Treats
you like shit, blames you for everything, refuses to let you be with and talk to your friends.
- Screams at you for falling asleep when you’re
supposed to call them at all odd hours of the morning and/or night.
- Always suspects you of cheating
when you just want to talk to a friend, and then when you finally have had enough and can't take the abuse anymore, he tells
you he can't live without you, and the very next day he hooks up with your best friend.
- Guys say that they like you,
want to be with you, and that they don't want to hurt you, and then totally ignore you.
- Still manage take up space in your heart, even when they have hurt
you more than anyone before
- Claim they like you, but drop you like a hot potato for the next chick that is willing to do more then
you would
- Sometimes you do stuff to hurt them, but it blows up in your face and hurts you to
- AHH!!!!! Canadian Geese!!
- It's Porky!!!... Grab the Bacon
- Gorks
- Forced dates
- Blue 'Jay'
- irony
- Late night deep conversations
- men coming out of the closet
- They think the world revolves around
- they think everything you do you
do it to have some kind of effect on them
- the yawn-arm-around-the-shoulder
- creepy people
- creepy people who stalk their co-workers
at McDonald's
- men are shallow
- it never worked out b/c you're not blond
and dizzy, and he goes for those kinds of girls
- Men forget their manners... often
- Never apologize for anything
- "you're everything I don't want"
- They won't date you b/c it might
hurt you in the long run, even though you're dieing with the way things are now
- reasons 1-1000
- they think they're better than girls
- they think guys rule the world
- immature
- inside jokes... too many of them
to name
- ________ the turkey
- your friends replace you with one
- paying for your expenses as well
as theirs
- their bad drug habits
- their friends...
- ...wait, they don't have any friends!
- the dont have any balls
- exagerating
- "toungues"
- someone finding the "tongue" picture
- fingers and "tongues"
- Olivia's twin sister, Olga
- they start crushing on your best
friend(s) just from talking to her on the phone
- Cell phone numbers
- T-zone season
- talking staplers
- going 'crazy'
- boys are bad, boys are real bad
- they Angerfy you
- ur-chh-ch-chh
- numorus break-ups
- Chika meaning wisdom in Japanese....
and Chika meaning girl in spanish. couincidence? I think not
- Getting drunk on creamers then moving
to the hard stuff; whole milk
- They just can't drop or let anything
- the nun run
- where do they get off when they know
your family better then you
- if they know the answer to a question
before it's even asked, then why ask the question
- girls are right, they always are,
and always will be. git over it.
- the guy shoulda died, but then it'd
be too 'Romeo and Juliet'
- my like has never revolved around
a guy before, and it never will
- everything i do, i don't do it to
piss off some guy, altho if i do in the process, its an just added bonus
- 2 creepy stalkers
- scars are erriversible
- this is worse then some creepy guy
looking thru my bedroom window
- its better not knowing what you want
to know
- men, don't believe them; all liars
- two creepy stalkers in the same week
- some graduate from weird to creepy,
obsesive, loonitic stalker who pisses you off for other reasons
- Going to 6 different convents in
a week, meeting many different sisters, nuns, and girls that came with you, hearing stories, laughing, and having an experiance
of a lifetime really has an effect on you.
- You think one guy is everything you
wanted, then realise he's nothing you wanted.
- My Anam Cara
- Anam Cara the song
- Anam Cara the diffenition
- the word Doyle
- the scavenger hunt Areka and I went
on to find the definition of Doyle
- Doylistics
- Reading during Church... and messing
- Post-it notes
- Japan.... or Adventure Camp
- Dead Theologians Society
- TB Tests
- Marshmallows and ghost turds
- they tell you to wait 3 months to go out with them, and during
that period of time, they hardly talk to you and expect you to still be interested
- The bat found in room #2/storage
room while cleaning out the Undercroft Chapel (aka: dts room)
- Greg, Massion, and Jeff teasing me
b/c I was afraid of the bat
- God would rather keep you all to
Himself, than put someone else in our lives
- We have to fall in love with God
before we can fall in love with someone else
- Two star-crossed lovers
- speeches suck
- Waiting is the hardest part of hope
- Penguins live in Antartica... or
in zoos
- I want a penguin
- I spend most of my time being oblivous
and I am perfectly fine with that.
- Areka is rubbing off on me... ex:
the murder mystery I'm writing
- the murder mystery I'm writing
- 3 stalkers!!! AHH
- I am Oblivious to the world, and
I have no problem with it
- Some men go thru more women than
they do underwear
- When they're in jail, they'll call
you only to ask to talk to his girlfriend
- convects are mean
- convects will take all your money
- Men call you at awkward times
- You have not life, so you can be
crabby and people will automaticly asume it's because of that
- People should stop being so mean
- Everyday would be a snow day
- Nuns/sisters look like penguins
- Bubba, the convict
- There's more behind the eyeliner
- Over time, things change...
- ... and it hurts
- You told me be selfish... and I was...
- ... and i know it hurt more than
just me
- Every good story starts with "I was
kidnapped by a dwarf"
- "Will and Grace" is not just a theroy;
it's a tv show.
- you
wouldnt have to go to youth group to meet guys b/c you're already in something religious and you dont have to worry about
guys anyway
- you wouldnt have to hear stupid whores talk about having sex with their boyfriend
- you wouldn't have to worry about
a guy calling you
- you get rocking outfits
- you meet a guy but neglect to get
even his name, let alone anything else
- You get too depressed thinking about
- Men no share!
- Men have no brains
- They don't think
- Shawns make-up bag
- you start liking a guy, then find
another guy you end up liking
- 2 guys
- not getting a guys number
- finally meeting a guy who isn't all
over you at first site....
- ... and not getting his number!
- meeting a sweet guy....
- .... and not getting his number
- dates for breakfeast
- It saves you from the pains of the
- You won't need any form of transportation
to get to church.... you live by the church
- People think you memorized the dirty
parts of a translation book.
- People thinking you like/have a crush
on your best friend
- Having a cursh on your best friend
- I love Eau Claire
- hey, if you feel called...
- Scribble Partys
- yearbooks
- House of Formation
- All those "I'm not going to ask"
conversations with Hailey
- Passports
- Mt. Fuji trip
- Japanese boyfriends
- missing your friends
- escape from the pain
- goats on a roof?
- gas money
- no jobs
- when you think a guy likes you...
- ... and you like him
- when you like one of your guy friends
(i faintly remember an incadent that started like this...)
- i want a dog! is that too much to
- liking a guy and there's consequences
- when a guy liked you and completly
erased you from his memory
- not agreeing with your government
- being too opionated
- you like a guy and he really does
turn out to be gay
- U.S Cellular guys
- Speeding tickets
- Japanese music
- ... and how most of them are about
- Japanese love songs
- 3,000 songs on your computer (and
counting) but NO iPod
- The only two guys I have in my life
are Ben and Jerry
- High School isn't long enough
- editors at local newspapers that
don't give people an oppertunity
- Photo Story for Psych
- too many pictures to scan for Psych

Reasons NOT to Become a Nun (without getting all mushy):
Reason # 1: there is the 'perfect guy' out there for every girl; maybe the thing that you think you
hate the most about a guy, turns out to be the thing you love the most about him. and besides, guys... are guys and there
will be some things that they do that annoy a girl, but you just have to live with it. There are guys out there that are really
sweet and caring and all that other good stuff that you just can't help but fall for.... I think this one thing tops all the
other reasons to become a nun.... yeah... way better!