- Needs to be taller than you
- Needs to be older
- Has to want to go to college
- Needs to be hot! (in your eyes)
- Needs to have a car
- Needs to be willing to take a shower more than once a week
- Has to have things in common with you
- Can't hit on your friends
- Can't be your best friends ex
- Can't have a mullet
- Needs to be Rich $ :: cha-ching!! ::
- Can't wear more make-up than you
- Needs to think your sexy (in his eyes)
- Needs to be tall, dark, and handsome
- Needs to be a Sex God
- Has to like you for you
- Can't be totally obsessed with sports
- Has to have time for you
- Can NOT be a jackass
- Can't cheat on you
- Needs to be a good kisser
- Needs to have a hard ass!
- Needs to have good abs
- Can't have dick pierced
- Can't be a computer nerd
- Can NOT have a kid
- Can't do drugs
- Can't have a beer belly
- Can't be 4 years older than you (for right now)
- Can't use you (if he does, spread a rumor that the guy has a dick the size of a lipstick tube)
- Can't have multiple ear piercings
- Needs to have an older brother (so you can break up with hime for the brother cuz normally they are hotter...sometimes)
- Can't have a younger siser that you don't get along with
- Has to have "balls" (he can't be a wimp)
- Needs to be willing to fight for you
- Needs to be romantic or sensitive
- Needs to do something special for your birthday and holidays
- Needs to be ready to commit!
- Needs to respect you and your decisions
- You have to know his background
- Can NOT be bi
- Needs to know what he's doing in certin situations
- Needs to think on his feet in certin situations
- Can't be ex's best friend
- Needs to be honest
- Must open doors for you
- Must pull out a seat for you
- Need to call you and can't have a boring convo (if you do it's his fault!)
- Needs to have some kind of fashion since
- Can't snore loudly
- Can't be in trouble with the law
- Can't be lazy!!!
- Needs to be willing to par take in your hobbies
- Can't have lieing, annoying noise little sister(s)
- Has to be willing to dress up for prom
- Needs to make you laugh
- Can't have a REALLY hairy belly button that looks like a bottomless pit of hair! ewwwwww!!
- Can't play pocket pool in front of you
- Body can't be inglofed in hair! (from Adam Kloss)
- Needs to take a shower Nightly
- Can't have starred in a porno video
- Doesn't have the sudden urge to stuff you in a gym bag
- Can't have have BOXES of comdoms
- Doesn't need to wear a bra!
- Can't backstab you when he gets pissed
- Can't be retarded (like Curly)
- Has to call you and tell you what he's been up to, even if it's just to say 'hey'
- Has to stand out from all the other guys
- Has to have nice legs
- Has to have nice hair
- Has to be a really sweet guy
- Has to have nice sized hands.... dont ask
- Has to have big feet
- It's perfectly fine if he's scared of butterflies
- Has to have some sort of communication divice(s)
- Can't have scabbies
- When you take his jacket, wallet, sunglasses and tie, he can't complain about it untill he needs one or more of the items
- Has to be willing to change his religon so your kids can have Christmas presents! (as you can see, this is a very funny
inside joke)\
- Has to be willing to take you on vacations of your choice
- Has to be a smart little cookie.... and can't like a guy named nick or like little boys like Mickeal jackson
- Has to have cleaning ablities (so when you're away on business the house will be kept clean)
- Has to be able to read and write
- Has to know french ( it's ok if he doesn't know, you can always teach him)
- Has to know how to treat a lady...
- .... by taking her to the Bahamas!
- Can't hit you or abuse you
- Can't cheat on you
- Has to at least consider you're suggestions
- Has to get along with at least one person in your family
- Has to change his underware everyday
- Can't drink and/or be an alcoholic
- Can't be confused by a tape dispenser
- None of the reasons to become a nun cannot aply to him (some guys are exceptions... you know who you are)
- Has to have sexy hairy legs, but its okay if he have sexy legs with out the hair but its not ok to have hair without the
sexy legs
- Has to qualify for the main character in a romance novel... by Olivia Solberg... to quilify he has HAVE sexy hairy legs
- Has to be able to cook
- has to be able to use a calculator
- Has to be smarter than a lava lamp
- He has to be willing to follow you around the mall and hold your bags without complaining about it and making a
big deal, while you shop
- Has to be able to play poker
- Has to be a gentelmen
- Can't lie to you. (1)
- Can't be afraid of butterflies
- Can't shave his legs. If he does, thats kinda creepy
- Can't have REALLY hairy legs.
- Has to smell really good!
- Has to have cute boxers
- Has to have 'phone manners' (see 204-206 on nun list)
- Has to buy you stuff
- has to beable to play the guitar
- has to be REALLY sweet!!
- can not be a jerk (1)
- has to make you feel better when you're depressed
- has to be a sweetheart
- can't expect the girl to make the first move
- can't have a crush on any of your friends
- none of your friends should have a crush on him
- has to do special things for you. like burn a cd
- can't be a jerk (2)
- he has to try to get to know you... not with you
- can't think your a slut and you'll have sex with him within the first week of dating
- has to be really sweet to you
- he's gotta try to get to know your friends... even if they're not normal
- has to be willing to meet your family
- can't try to impress you by telling you low-ball lies
- can't lie (2)
- should be within age range
- Can't be married
- Can't have four kids
- You have to see him at least once a week
- and when you do see him, he should tell you how much he missed you
- he should call you whenever he gets the chance, even if its just to tell you he missed you.
- can't like any of your friends in a romantic kind of way
- can't be a total ditz. a little dizzy is fine, too dizzy is just a little bit annoying!
- can't over react on stupid things.
- shouldn't laugh he's head off and a really small and stupid joke
- Has to be willing to take you to homecoming, even if you don't want to go
- your friends should be supportive of the guy you like, even if they don't like him
- has to be spontanious
- has to respect you if you don't want to flirt and 'be all over him' in public
- if he tells you he wants space, he has to realise, your going to give him his space!
- Has to be a good cuddler
- Must be polite
- Likes music
- has to be open, honest, and know how to communicate when something is bothering him
- Calls back when he says he's going to call back
- has to have a good memory
- Has to apoligize for something he did wrong or even if he hurt your feelings
- when your depressed, he can't make you feel worse, he should try to comfort you
- says that every picture of you looks good, even if it's not
- has to carry a picture of you around (not in a creepy stalker way)
- can't be concited
- will watch movies that you want to watch, even if he doesnt want to. and vise versa
- leaves sweet voicmessages on your cell phone\
- has to have some kind of talent. something that's resectable and doesn't go along with what everyone else's talent
- has to be somewhat independent
- has to be well read. magazines don't count!
- Knows some kind of pop culture
- He has goals, not dreams.
- He is an animal lover and has compassion for people.
- he's got to be money smart. He can't spend money on useless stuff if he doesn't need it, he has to know when to tighten
the money belt when he has to
- can give constructive critisism. but can't tell you what to do
- has to get along with his family members
- He likes an independent lady who has her own interests, goals, and ideas and is supportive of her reaching them, as opposed
to competing with her or taking no interest.
- Can't compete with his girlfriend who has the better so-and-so
- He's never been told by a girlfriend that he needs professional psychological help. If he has, he has gotten it and its
been at least 5 years since he's gotten better.
- He would rather do the right thing than try to get away with something.
- he doesn't have to have the same religon of yours. he does, however, have to support your religons sides and viewpoints
on conterverual issues and the two of you won't end up having a big debate about religon
- Has to do his own laundry... or at least know how to work the machine
- He listens to his inner voice and doesn't deny his real feelings.
- He can discuss issues and conflicts civily, even though a complete resolution may not come about.
- Cannot be a pathological liar!!!!
- Has to make up his mind on who the hell he likes!
- Can't be babyish
- Can't be all over you all the time and clingy (its cute.... but when your 7!)
- When he kisses you, he can't slabber all over your face
- Cannot lick your hand!
- cannot suck on your check (really gross)
- Can't kiss you when you don't want him to
- cant hit on other girls when he's pissed at you
- has to tell you how good you look... even when you feel like crap
- can't hang up on you after you tell him you love him
- has to talk with his tongue
- can't ditch you....
- .... to hit on other girls
- has to be willing to be apart of your butt collage
- Should care for you and show it
- should call when he likes you
- calls just to say hi
- has to know how to make you smile when you are down
- Has to stick up for you, but still respects your independence.
- Willing drive 5 hours just to see you for 1 (LOL hailey!!)
- Has to kiss you unexpectedly. it's no fun when you know what's coming ;)
- Has to give you dozens of reasons for you to love him!
- NEEDS to know Canadian National Anthem!
- Can't be abusive
- Has to buy to really good Christmas presents
- Can't be afraid of Canadian Geese...
- ..and had to protect you from them
- Has to be sweet and nice to you
- Can't call you back 2 months after you broke up to prank call you
- Can't leave stupid and meaningless Voicemail messages on your phone
- Has to want to get to know your family
- Can't act matcho
- cant drop you like a hot potato for someother girl
- Can't think he's right ALL the time... b/c if they do, then we want to be right just as much as he does and it ends up
being a visious cycle
- Has to know Japanese..
- ... or any other foriegn language
- Has to be in your age range
- Has to have the same religion as you so no one will end up changing religions
- Has to belive in the church and religion he (and hopefully you) belongs to
- Has to go to church once a week
- Has to be an active member of the church
- Has to have faith
- Even if he doesn't do all of the 210-214, he should atleast support you if you do
- Can't be lazy
- Has to apply himself in everything he does and has to do
- Can't lead you on
- Has to like the same movies, books, and music
- Has to know what good literature
- Has to be well read
- Has to give 80% to the relationship (you to should give 80% to the relationship, that way you have 30% that you share
insead of having it being 50/50
- Has to be willing to wait till marrage
- Can't own pink lip gloss
- Can't own lip gloss
- Has to call you even if it's to see how you are doing
- Should send you emails even if its just to say, "hey sorry i haven't emailed in awhile, i've been so busy, just emailing
you to tell you im thinking of you!"
- Has to do sweet stuff like mentioned in #226
- Has to know how to tell and calculate time
- Has to like different kind of cearal than you so you always have plenty
- Has to show/tell you where the two of you stand (friend, just and only just friends, more then friend, potental boyfriend/girlfriend,
friends with benifits, boyfriend/girlfriend, close together then a regular a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, almost
engaged, engaged, almost married, married, almost broken up, broken up, broken up but still friends, broken up but too painful
to be friends, seperated, on a break, and divorced)
- Has to know what you mean to him
- Has to know what he means to you
- Can't expect your live to revolve around his schedule
- Has to write you a note just for the sake of writing you a note
- when the two of you go out with friends, has to do things for you, not to show everyone else in the group
- Has to clean
- Has to be used to being in a clean house so if the house gets a lil dirty, he might clean it!!
- Has to like pets
- Has to like your pet
- Has to treat pets, humans, and objects with respect
- Can't make bold face lies
- Has to know proper Cell phone/phone ediquitte
- has to wear cologne
- can't try to bribe you with gifts
- when he gives you gifts, he can't make you feel like he's bribing you
- has to come up with something better than the yawn-over-the-shoulder trick
- has to have the capablility of carrying on a conversation with you
- After you two break up, he can't stalk you
- before you date, he couldn't of been your stalker
- Can NOT creep you out
- Can't be creepy
- can't talk about how 'hot' other girls are when he's around you
- can't tell you that your friends are cute when the two of you are on a 'date'
- cant be stupid
- when you have those moments when you come up with a question and for the life of you, cant figure out the answer, he has
to be able to provide an answer that will satisfy you, even for a lil bit
- Can't steal stuff from you
- Has to do sweet stuff for you, like open doors for you
- when you're dressed in sweats and aren't looking your best, he has to say "you look beautiful in whatever you wear"
- Has to accept your obsessions
- Has to watch movies with you
- Has to be willing to go to church with you (from Jeff)
- Your friends cant call him a stalker
- can't be creepy (this is very important)
- has to know when you're even the slightest bit up set with him and has to know to back off
- Can't get in the way of what matters the most to you
- he cannot, i repeat, cannot be in jail and think that you still wanna talk to him
- Can't have a jailmate named Bubba
- If he cares for you, he should show it. nothing should stand in the way
- Sometimes you learn a thing or two from the TV show Friends....
- "Sometime you argue constintly only becuase you care"
- if you're at a youth group bowling trip in sparta, you must have an excuse why you
and a guy are sitting so close to eachother
- has to call you when you give him your number
- When they call you, the conversation cant be 127.6% about him
- Can't have the "feel sorry for me because my life sucks" additude
- He cannot just decide that your his girlfriend and then not even call you or try to get a hold of you in some way, shape,
or form...
- if his family hates you and you're un invited to holiday dinners, he should stand up for you
- Can't be afraid to tell you how he feels
- Has to stay in contact with you
- if you neglected to ask for contact info and name, he should pick up the slack
- When you're having a bad day, he has to make you feel better even if it's you seeing him, having a a basic convo, etc
- When youre having a bad day, he can't make you feel worse... or bring in a worser 'example' to try and make you feel better
(sorry guys no kudo points for trying)
- Can't be afraid of being spontanious
- has to live by the rul of Chivelry
- has to take you places
- has to accept you want to go places
