- NEVER stand up in a boat!
- Don't confuse me, I'm confused enough.
- Don't have olivia discribe anything, she's get confused and changes the subject.
- Never ever ever in a million years do drugs or drink, they mess you up a lot and
could kill you.
- Don't lie to me, I've ended friendships because of too many lies.
- Don't lie to anyone.
- Give people second chances.
- Always pack extra underwear on a trip, I've never ran into a problem of a shortage
of underware but its always better to be save then sorry.
- Stay in touch with your friends over the summer or anyother time.
- Don't take me to see a scary movie, unless you are prepared to see me jump 3 feet
out of my seat.
- Stay in school, school makes you smarter and you need smarts to make it to. the
places you want to go and become and almost any job requires some kind of education.
- Keep your room clean! I may sound like your mom, but you never know when un expected
company will be dropping by.
- loosen up every now and then, you'll miss a lot if you don't.
- watch for slices of pickles on the cafeteria floor.
- If you really like someone, don't let them slip away.
- When having a conversation with Areka, tell her, "don't hurt me!"
- Don't run away from your problems. A good example of this would be if you think
that just because a few guys out there are jerks you don't have to run and become a nun! After all, there are really
sweet guys out there. (you know who you are).
- No matter the circumstances, never ever ever take or hide chocolate on me!
- Life is not fair --get used to it.
- If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
- Always use ductape to fix anything.
- Accept that some days you are the pigeon... and most days the statue.
- Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when
you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
- Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
- Don't wear flip flops and long pants, and try to put your arm around someone
- Don't cheat on anyone
- Always keep chocolate at hand
- Always be optimistic. It may set you up for dissapointment, but atleast your try
as hard as you can and maybe won't be dissapointed
- Chew gum when you fly on an airplane. that way you accually hear something during
the flight
- Always listen to music whenever possible, other wise, you'd be bored out of your
- If you don't have Instent Messenger, get it immediately!
- Never steal a car, you might end up hitting a tree
- Remember, Buffilos don't have wings. . .
- . . . and tuna is fish, not chicken
- "Nice" stops at midnight!
- Life isn't like Monopoly, you can't collect $200 for passing go
- Does milk really come out of a cows mouth if it laughs?
- Don't say you have enough clothes
- You can never have too many shoes
- Never open a sixpack with a knife because a soda can could explode
- Never agitate a bull, it could try to ram you
- Don't talk back you your mom
- Never set your locker when its jammed, if it does jam, kick it. it really does work!
- When your nose itches, someone's thinking of you
- When your eye itches, someone wants to kill you
- When your head itches, you have lice
- When your skin itches, you have scabbies
- When your the only one home make sure you change the toilet paper because chances
are you will be the next one in.
- Don't luagh when your head hurts
- Don't stalk anyone! expecally security guards
- remember your sanity
- When driving in a car, avoid trees!
- Don't ever ask a guy what he's afraid of, he might accually say butterflies
- Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. Just take everything with a grain of salt.
- that there are two ways to be rich: (1) have more; (2) want less
- never use slang words when writing a paper
- No matter what happens, always remind yourself, there are really sweet guys out
there (I think you all know who I'm talking about)
- If you really like someone, don't let them slip away, because before you know it,
it will be too late
- Dr Pepper rocks, and those who tell you otherwise are lying
- Always excersise. Supposedly you think better but im not too sure on that.
- If you ever EVER are going to kiss someone, think about EVERY single person that
is involed in your live that could have a negative comment/feeling about it
- Live everyday to the fullest with everyone that you know and love. You don't
know the next time you'll see them or get to do that again
- If your going to smack someone, have a good reason. you might not get into that
much trouble if you have one
- A Hershey bar a day, will probably keep the doctor away..... but maybe not the dentist
- Always try to find a job you want to do. you'll have fun doing it. and just because
someone says you can't do it, doesn't nessesary mean you really can't do it. and once you prove very one wrong, you'll have
fun rubbing it into the faces of the non-believers.
- don't talk on the phone for hours a day, your ear really does start to hurt.
- always apply sunscreen! it REALLY hurts afterwards if you don't!
- running to the convent only makes your feel better for a short period of time.
- No fruit grows on Palm trees. Coconuts grow on coconut trees and pinapples grow
on pinapple trees!
- Men Suck
- Don't touch my knee
- Never throw an eraser at a teacher just before he gives you a test
- never hit the Dean of Students, he'll make you wash tables
- It's your fantasy world, you live in it
- Geometry prolly won't be useful in everyday life. it doesn't mean, however, the
college admidistration office will see it that way
- When wearing hair spray, stand far enough away from candles
- Never take a picture of a police officers butt, they don't like it too much
- Get your own "thing". Just because your friend likes to write, enters writing contests,
and wants to become a journalist, doesn't mean that YOU have to too!! Also, because your friend likes to paint, draw, and
sctech, doesn't mean YOU have to too! Find something that is yours, all yours and no one elses and stop trying to do what
everyone else does!
- when opertunity knocks at your door, answer it. you'll regret it if you don't
- dont set yourself on fire
- Mr. Horgan is evil... discised as a health teacher
- Never forget to say 'I love you' before the moment slips away.
- Real love stories never have happy endings. B/c real love stories never end
- I smile cause i have NO
idea what's going on.
- Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent.
- If you love someone, tell
them!!!! Broken hearts are often caused by unspoken words.
- Without education, you are not going anywhere in this world.
- There's
a fine line between "trying and succeding" and "trying and quiting"
- Give people more
than they expect and do it cheerfully.
- Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get
older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
- Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
- When
you say, "I love you," mean it.
- When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person
in the eye.
- Be engaged at least six months before you get married. I know many couples that haven't
made it. and after a year, you really know how the person is
- Believe
in love at first sight.
- Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't
have dreams don't have much
- Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life
- Don't
judge people by their relatives.
- Talk slowly but think quickly.
- Spend some time alone.
- Smile
when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
- When you realize you've made a mistake, take
immediate steps to correct it.
- Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
- Remember
the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for your actions.
- When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
- Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
- When
someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask "why do you want to know?"
- Know when too keep
a secret. It may tear you apart, but it will save a lot of drama later on.
- Penguins rock