- When you always get stuck with the one person you can't stand
- You break a nail and it hurts
- Being put on speaker without warning
- On TV shows, the presents are rapped but all the reciever has to do is remove the lid
- wehn ppl look all over the room to look for the remote when all they have to do is go over to the TV and change it manually...
thats how they did it in the stone age
- When you have a good idea but don't write it down and forget it but when the time comes, all you can remember is that
you had a good idea
- When guys fool around with other girls and hurt every single one of them
- When people steal your stuff The second-to-last day of a two-week vacation.
- A sneeze that lingers in your nose, doesn't come out, and then is absorbed by your forehead.
- Being yelled at in a foreign language in a foreign country
- That the psychology establishment's rate of discovering new mental disorders interferes with your ability to enjoy the
ones you have.
- Wondering when what you learned in Geometry class your sophomore year will ever help you in the real world
- Waking up with your head on the shoulder of a stranger sitting next to on the bus/airplane
- You're driveing an hour to get to your destionation and realize you forgot something at home
- When you're in the Church elevador and the police and ambulance end up getting called
- Not seeing those pickle slices on the lunch room floor
- when you're being stalked
- No one told you life was going to be this way
- 10 years after high school, your then high school best friend has more of a susessful job than you. and is happy in all
aspects his/her life
- when people just don't get the finer picture in life
- when a person tries at something but then gives up. afterwards says "at least I tried" when really they didn't. they gave
- Grammatically incorrect sentences
- You cant member the name of a song
- backseat drivers
- meeting a really awesome guy then forgeting his name
- meeting a guy by never getting his name
- everyone's so interested in your personal life when they have their own
- a song reminds you of so many painful memories
- When a person you consider a friend can act like your friend, but when he/she is around the "right" people, he/she acts
like they hate you
- two-faced people
- reading over 1,000 reasons to become a nun on some crazy persons site
- People who totally abandon web pages
- When people talk on their cell phones and drive
- when my parents still try to control my life
- when gas prices go up instead of down
- When a gallon of water costs more than a gallon of gas
- When a Man hurts a Women
- When people think they own the world
- When your best friend turns out to be a back stabber
- When a little kid gets beat or even murdered
- when all the movies that are playing SUCK
- people who are Hypocritical, Two-Faced, Wise-Asses, Stubborn, Conceited, Shallow, Self-Centered, Bitchy, Teey-boppers,
Obnoxious, Rude, Self-Absorbed, Mean, Cold, Black-Hearted, Ignorant, Against Or Make Fun Of Other Races, Religions, Ethnicies,
Backrounds, Etc., Players, Liars, Closed Minded, Wanna-Be's, Indecisive, Insensitive, Back-Stabbers, Cheaters, Overly Optomistic,
Naive, Overly Sensitive, Egotistical, Narrow Minded, Posers,
- CBS for cancelling Walker Texas Ranger
- Martha Stewart - I absolutely despise, detest, loath, and abhor this snooty, power hungry, I'm-so-perfect-you-can't-make-a-bed-without-me-showing-you-the-perfect-way-to-do
- No toilet paper or paper towels in public bathrooms.
- Public bathrooms
- People who don't use their turn signal, tailgate, and cut you off really hard and close.
- People who talk on their cell phone at the movies (GET OUT!)
- People who pick their nose in public (GROSS!!)
- Rude and mean people.
- People who you don't know (especially girls) that checks out what you're wearing from head to toe.
- Materialistic and shallow people.
- People who flaunt their wealth and status.
- People who say, "Goddamnit" or "Jesus Christ" when they're angry.
- The English language has taken an incredible beating the last few years with the advent of "liketalk"... I don't know
what else to call it. What I thought was a passing fad - the typical American teenager's faddish interjection of the word
"like" into every single sentence -- has become so rampant it is a disease. Even thirty year olds and business executives
talk this way!
- Grocery carts with one bad wheel or any other non-working parts
- The saying "You've no need to worry if you're not doing anything wrong."
- Turning on a bedside light w/o warning, thus ensuring a victim's pupils are fully dialated
- Saying "Let there be light" every time any light switch is flipped anywhere
- Referring to any agency of national government as 'the fed'
- Utility service reps that don't show up on the day appointed, even with an 8 hr window
- Essays that begin in this way: "According to Webster..."
- Ruining one's shoes by walking on the backs of them
- Explanations beginning with the word 'Again'
- The expression that "Nobody can hurt you unless you let them."
- Mumbling, then annoyedly saying "Forget it!" when people naturally don't hear
- When anyone thinks their "don't remember" might trump my "do remember"
- When anyone thinks my "don't remember" is an affront to their "do remember"
- Weedling a promise out of someone while they're trying to be left alone to sleep
- Asking "Do you suggest ___?" Where the blank is clearly something not suggested
- Anyone who follows a peer around making inconsequential "corrections" to their work
- Thinking that one has the only correct background for understanding an issue
- Purposefully mangling someone's name or handle as a form of ridicule
- Rolling suitcases with too narrow a wheelbase. Backwards clothes hangers.
- Bathroom stalls with a mirror positioned so one can see their whole self while seated
- Pants with waistband buttons pointing inward
- Airline speak: "The lavatories ARE equipped with smoke detectors, so DO refrain..."
- Not knowing if you've taken two pictures with a camera or there are just two left
- Being expected to carry something (esp water) for someone who won't carry a purse
- Failing to take a backpack into account when turning or backing into people
- Restaurant forks whose tines don't stand up in a perfectly straight line
- Using a napkin for eating messy food & leaving it on the table throughout the meal
- Cooks that don't clean up as they go
- Touching the salt or pepper shaker with really greasy or BBQ'y fingers
- Greeting cards that throw sparkles, sequins or confetti on the hapless recipient
- Setting dirty dishes on top of dirtier ones, thus dirty hands for the dish wash person
- Installing a toilet paper roll so that the tissue unwaps from the under side of the roll
- Using the TP down to the last ten squares without fetching a new roll
- Finding a shoe anywhere and finding its mate not right next to it
- A habit of tossing dirty cutlery into the side of the sink where the disposal lives
- Finding same brand replacement parts for grocery store tools, eg. mop heads
- Products with 'Advance' in their name, instead of 'Advanced'
- Towels folded wrong way first, so they won't hang on a rack without first refolding
- Filthy, filthy, grimy, dirty keyboards.
- Having a drawerful (or more) of unknown cords, transformers, rechargers, adapters...
- Hangers... how they get all tangeled with each other
- Changing the TV channel without asking when anyone is clearly watching
- Standing in my line of sight to the TV during the last 30 seconds of any show
- Finding a TV remote in the car or anywhere else where it couldn't possibly be used
- TV shows or ads with doorbells, ringing phones, or alarm clocks.
- Webpages that play music
- backstabing friends
- jealous, backstabbing friends
- Japanese!!! How are we expected to jump over the moon when we haven't learned how to jump over the fence!?
- Homework
- Dwarfs that kidnap people
- being shuned
- graduation... and realizing in a few years, you'll be next
- songs that are played on very radio station 20 times a day
- responsibility
- Gas prices
- money and how it makes the world go around
- flat soda
- warm soda
- old soda
- beverages that call them selves soda... when they're not
- Pluralizing proper nouns, eg. "The Bill Gateses and the Julia Robertses of the world"
- Inaccurate Dates or None at All
- Spelling Errors, Typos and Poor Grammar
- Seeing your teachers at your church
- when you can only find one type of food in a different country
- missing your friends... no matter where they are in the world
- when once apon a time you could fit into your favorite pair of pants
- using the wrong word in a forign langage
- when others think they know more of a langage that you.when you have been studying for a long time and they don't
know anything about it
- losing only half your too
- when people touch your knee and you dont want them too
- getting a song stuck in your head when you don't know what song it is and who sings it