- click the start button to shut down
- close distance
- Collective liberty
- common sense
- completed website (this one never is)
- Constant change
- crisis management
- current history
- dark day
- dark light
- dark star
- dead right
- deaf listener
- dead night
- dimwit
- distant relative
- dollar value
- Doing Nothing (I do a lot of that)
- Dodge Ram
- double solitaire
- dry creek
- Dry Ice
- Dry Lake
- dry martini
- dry pond
- dry snow
- Dry Wine
- dull roar
- educated guess
- equally diverse
- essential luxury
- Eyes Wide Shut
- flexible freeze
- Forgotten memories
- Floating to the bottom
- Simple Love with a complex touch (maroon5 song)
- Government Intelligence
- Grape Nuts
- green blackberries
- half dead
- hard cushion
- here and there
- holy hell
- home school
- Icy Hot
- homework
- honest liar
- hot chili
- Income Tax
- Insane logic
- intelligent news
- intimate strangers
- invisible ink
- Job security
- journalistic integrity
- ladies man
- less is more
- limited lifetime guarantee
- long shorts
- large ant
- little big horn
- live television
- locks on 7-11 stores which are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- medium well
- one hundred percent chance
- one hundred percent plus
- one hundred and ten percent
- one person crew
- One size fits all
- once again
- only choice
- open lock
- open minded
- open secret
- Open-book test
- Original Copy
- original reproduction
- outer core
- oven fried
- oxymoron
- oyster crackers
- Pacific Ocean
- paid volunteer
- Park Drive
- Painless Dentistry
- paper tablecloth
- paper towel
- Paperless Office
- peer pressure
- perfect idiot
- planned spontaneity
- plastic flowers
- Plastic glasses
- Plastic Lemons
- Plastic silverware
- Plastic straw
- plastic wood
- Practice Test
- practical joke
- pretty bad
- public secret
- public service
- pure 100% orange juice from concentrate
pure .999
- pure evil
- pure dirt
- qualified success
- quick fix
- Quickly Slowing Down
- Quiet loudspeaker
- quiet noise
- quiet storm
- radical center
- Random Logic
- California Culture
- clean dirt
- clear as mud
- climb down
- calm storm
- casual dress
- catfish
- Central Intelligence Agency (Inside Joke haha)
- A Fine Mess
- agree to disagree
- absolutely unsure
- Accidentally on Purpose
- Almost done
- accurate stereotype (I like that one!)
- accurate rumors
- Adult male (haha)
- advanced beginner
- aging yuppie
- All natural artificial flavoring
- alltogether separate
- almost pregnant
- almost safe
- almost suddenly
- amateur expert
- anticipating the unanticipated
- expect the unexpected
- artificial intelligence
- Artficial Glass
- awfully good
- baby grand piano
- bad luck
- bankrupt millionaire (wouldn't that be Trump)
- Barenaked Ladies
- balanced insanity
- big baby
- better than new
- bigger half
- boyish grandpa
- Black Gold
- black light
- bland spice
- blameless culprit
- boneless ribs
- boring entertainment
- born dead
- brave wimp
- bright night
- build down
- bug-free software
- buried alive
- cheap gas
- Cherokee Pioneer (type of car)
- chilling fever
- Chocolate 'Nilla Wafers
- Chicken fajitas
- civil disobedience
- classic new homes
- Clean toilet (there is when I'm around!)
- clever fool
- homework
- least favorite
- large ant
- liquid crystal
- little big
- Living Dead
- Loners Club
- long shorts
- long sleeve t-shirt
- loose knot
- loose tights
- loud whisper
- Loud silence
- love-hate relationship
- lovers' quarrel
- mail delivery
- major minority
- male compassion
- Male Lady Bug
- Married life
- martial law
- mature student
- meatless meat
- mean smile
- Microsoft Works
- mildly psychotic
- mini jumbo
- minor crisis
- mobile home
- Modern Art
- modern history
- modern maturity
- Modern Tradition
- more perfect
- more unique
- Muscular Fat
- natural makeup
- never again
- New improved
- New Mexico
- new routine
- new tradition
- new used cars
- Night Light
- night vision
- no comment
- non-stick glue
- non-stick gum
- non-stick velcro
- non-stop flight
- non-toxic bug spray
- Nothing Much
- Numb feeling
- numbing sensation
- objective opinion
- obscene art
- old news
- one choice